I saw my first (living) armadillo. They are such silly looking creatures. It was waddling along in the freshly mowed grass on the side of Williamson Blvd. between Daytona and Port Orange. I saw a dead armadillo on our way up to St. Augsutine shortly after our move, but this was the first time I've seen one alive. Everyone says they are very common and you see them all over, but even driving through a very forested area every day to work and back, for four weeks, this was the first time I've seen one. I have not seen a gator, or manatee as of yet but I look forward to seeing them both. I see pelicans all the time, they are bountiful here. I absolutely love being surrounded by the wildlife here.
We've had a cold front come in, temperatures dropping to the 40's, and I still see butterflies everyday. My friend Shay and I have started walking the Granada bridge in the mornings and she took to me to a beautiful hidden garden where I saw the first Monarch butterfly I have seen in years. It was magical! I am still in awe every time I see the view of the river from the Granada or Mason bridges to think that this is my new home. This beautiful place is where I live! I love it here!